
No fuss, No Whining Method to Get Kids Practicing Math Facts this Summer

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Every teacher knows that it is important for students to continue practicing math facts during summer break. For homeschool teachers, it’s especially clear that this extra, continued practice is very important.
Nothing is worse than a child who blanks on basic math facts that first week or two of school. It’s not a fun way to begin the year, that’s for sure!

This summer I’ve found a great way to get my kids to practice their math facts every day. Better yet, it’s a no fuss, no whining, no arguing method to get children practicing math facts during summer break. And it’s so simple!

Are you ready?

Here is my rule.

No free electronics play until after completing 15 minutes of math drill apps.

Each child has a math folder in his or her iPad screen with the apps they can choose from.

Since the apps are fun, I’ve rarely had any complaints from my children about completing their drills. And, on the rare occasion that whining happens, swift action on my part makes sure it won’t happen another day…

Fuss or whine, (or sneak electronics without following the rule) lose all electronics for the day. 

This has been the perfect solution that keeps us all happy this summer!

I can breathe easy, knowing that the first day of school will not bring math amnesia. And I don’t have to be the ‘math fact’ police to get it done!

I do often specify, I want you to do this app for the first 5 minutes, or choose multiplication today for at least five minutes. otherwise free choice. So far its working well!

How do you keep your children’s math facts sharp over the summer?

This summer I've found a great way to get my kids to practice their math facts every day. Better yet, it's a no fuss, no whining, no arguing method to get children practicing math facts during summer break. And it's so simple!

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  1. I wasn’t even aware that there were apps like that! I’m very out of the technology loop. I can’t imagine what they’ll be doing when my little one is in school

  2. These are great tips! My little one is a bit young for math, but we have basically the same rules for his “school work.” He has to do a craft, story time and writing copy sheets everyday or he doesn’t get his ipad game after nap.

  3. Awesome idea! I don’t think my kids are going to agree, but I love this idea! Time to download some more math apps! Do you have any you recommend? they’re going into 2nd and 6th grade.

  4. I have my son practice at least one hour daily over the materials he was taught throughout the year. This helps him with the new material.

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