4 Life Lessons my Ultra Strong Mom Taught Me

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As Mother’s Day approaches I find myself reflecting on the many ways that my own mom shaped me into the mom I am today. I’m excited to partner with Hefty® to celebrate strong moms this Mother’s Day.

Today I’m sharing 4 life lessons my ultra strong mom taught me, that I’m passing along to my kids.

How to stretch a dollar.

When I was a young child, much to my mother’s surprise and embarrassment, she overheard me announce to a friend’s mom, “My mom doesn’t let me shop on sale.” Before she could step in to this obviously incorrect conversation, I finished with, “We are only allowed to shop on clearance.” While that wasn’t exactly the case, my mom was (and is) the master at stretching a dollar!

Earning money is necessary for survival, but stretching that money as far as possible is an art form!

My mom always knew the best price for the items on her shopping list, so she knew when a ‘sale’ was actually a good deal. Last season’s clothing at 30% off, no way! That sale is sure to get better!

She was the queen of shopping smart and stocking up whenever possible to make the most out of a great deal.

Many hands make light work.

Many Saturdays my mom would gather the family for a cleaning day or project. Back then I saw only the long list and a “free” morning lost, but later I saw the importance of each family member pitching in for the greater good.

Even on the days she didn’t enlist us kids in the chores, I remember watching her head out to the yard to make my dad’s to-do list go faster. As a child, I missed that those shared chores between my parents were less about getting a job done and more about taking the opportunity to spend time together, rather than going their own separate ways. Being together as a family, even in the chores, is much better than being apart!

Attitude is everything…

and you better not roll your eyes at your mother!

When something must be done, you might as well do it with a good attitude.

Mom is always on your team.

Even as I’ve become an adult and mom myself, my mom is still my greatest asset. Grown or not, she’ll do anything and everything to make my life easier and better. Loyalty and selflessness are her hallmark.

If my children one day say the same of me, I will consider my job well done.

Motherhood is the toughest job I’ve ever had, but the life lessons my mom taught me have made me not only a strong mom myself, but also a strong woman! 

Hefty® knows that moms have to be ultra strong, just like their trash bags, so they are teaming up with John Cena and his mom to celebrate strong moms:

Hefty® Ultra Strong™ trash bags are the perfect choice for the strength you need at a low price. With Triple Action Technology that resists tears, punctures and leaks, and a break resistant grip drawstring that keeps the bag from falling inside your trash can these strong bags are also smart bags! Plus, they come with a 100% satisfaction guarantee- Hefty® can handle all your trash bag needs, or your money back!

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Hefty®.


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