Last Year of Single Digits
9 years old. The last year of single digits.
Nine years with the one who made me a ‘boy mom.’ For him, I’ve learned to hold frogs without a squeal, to stand over a dead snake with curiosity, to throw a football and catch a baseball.
It’s truly the greatest job I never knew I would love.
Today Michael and I spent the day building legos and playing Phase 10. Tomorrow (rain or shine) we’ll learn to use his new birthday hatchet together.
May the years that he loves Momma by his side pass slowly.
Watching this boy grow just amazes me- remembering the little one he was while looking at who he is now. I wonder about the man he will become, realizing he’s already halfway there!
This boy loves fierce. And in return he is adored.
When a toy needs a battery, the sisters seek him out. If there is a bug to squish he’s their man. Afraid to walk upstairs alone? Just find Michael, he’ll stop whatever he’s doing to help.
I’m looking forward to 9 with my boy.
Happy birthday to your boy! It goes so fast. Cherish every moment, and have a happy holiday season as well!
Happy Birthday! Hope his day is filled with Love, laughter and a ton of cake! What a little cutie pie 🙂 I am a mom to a boy as well and it sure changes the way we live life eh! I’m a little squeemish over frogs though.
They grow up so fast. Mine will be turning 16 in a few months. Can’t believe how fast time went. Happy double digits.
Happy birthday to your little man! Yes, you’re right – I hadn’t thought about 9 being halfway to an adult! Good thing I didn’t realize that when my kids were 9 because I would have freaked out – lol!!! Your kids are beautiful Amanda!
Happy birthday! What a big milestone to be coming up in the next year! It really does go so fast!