
Rough Road Ahead

Sharing is caring!

My family and I are going through a really rough time.  Really, really tough.  The truth is, it isn’t going to get much easier for us in the coming month…year…or more. Life is forever changed.

Now isn’t the time to go into details about our situation, but I would really appreciate your prayers for us.

The thing is, as hard as this is, I have faith that we will get through it.  I am telling my kids, we are ‘Overcomers’ and we will survive. When I drive our van, I hear them singing the song behind me, and I cry, yet I believe it.

Our situation isn’t a good one. There is no way to spin it into being God’s will for our lives.

Living in a fallen world means that bad things happen, people make bad choices. I don’t believe God caused or wanted this future for us. He gave us free will and that means that choices aren’t perfect, and they often hurt others.

Our future isn’t always what we want it to be; what we thought it would be. What we blindly trusted it would be. It isn’t always God’s best for us.

But I know that even though this isn’t the life God wants for my family, that he will be with us and will bring about good and blessings in spite of it all.  He will redeem the horrible. He will dull the pain and heal the brokenness.

Over time we will heal and we will thrive.

I plan to do my best to keep the blog going; I’ll still share about our blessings.  The truth is, I am blessed even though I am wounded.

Already the amount of love and support given so freely by our family and friends is humbling.  We are loved, we have support and a soft place to land… and we will survive this.


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  1. This is not what God wants for you. God wants you full and fulfilled. You will overcome because you are faithful. He has great plans for you and those sweet children. I fully believe you and those precious children will be better for it. I am so PROUD of you. Even if you don’t feel it, you are truly superwoman! xoxo. I cannot wait to hug you.

  2. I’m so sorry for all that you are going through. You’re right, it’s not what that plan was, but you will overcome. That song has been a rock for me since I got the call with my heart results, and it’s so true. Anything you need, friend, we are here.

  3. I am praying for you and your family and that God will give you strength and grace. Though I do not know why things happen, I do know that no matter what happens you will be stronger and better (not sure how, you’re already an absolutely amazing woman).

  4. Dear Amanda,

    Thinking of you and your sweet children. So sorry to hear you are going through troubles. You have always amazed me with your many, many talents and your strength. I will keep you in my prayers! XXOO

  5. You better believe I will be keeping you in my prayers! God has a better plan for you! I know it!
    We may make mistakes and do things that aren’t what God would have wanted for us, but that doesn’t mean he has given up on you! God can heal/fix ANY situation! I believe it!
    This is my first time reading your blog, but I want you to know, you will be in my prayers!!

  6. Prayers for your family.

    Your mercies are new every morning
    So let me wake with the dawn
    When the music is through or so it seems to be, Let me sing a new song, old things gone
    Every day it’s true, You make all Your mercies new. (Nichole Nordeman, Mercies New)

  7. Dear Amanda:
    I am so very sad to hear about your family crisis. Let it be of some comfort to you to know I pray for you all daily. Let me know how many of the girls have AG dolls. If you tell me colors or special interests I will make them all outfits.
    I hope we can get together soon.

    1. BJ, that is so sweet! My oldest 3 girls have AG dolls. Miriam likes any bright color. Rebekah loves purple and horses. Peyton loves pink.

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