Perfectly Imperfect Day
While doing some behind the scenes blog clean up, I found this post from a year ago that somehow got buried and never posted. It was a needed reminder of the way God provides and sustains even on the tough parenting days.
Some days my attitude is bad and I miss it all in the midst of complaining and grumbling. However, if I choose joy and keep my eyes open, those provisions are all the more sweet due to the roughness surrounding them.
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Some nights I fall into bed amazed that it’s only been 15 hours since I was last here. It feels like it was two days ago at least! So many little hiccups today, yet I was so grateful and thankful for God’s hand in it all and his provision for us.
I woke way too early this morning as two small children, afraid of the thunderstorm rolling in, joined Emily and me in bed. Fall weather also moved in with the storm. T-minus two hours to church, and I realize I better find warmer clothing and shoes for 5 children and myself. Seasonal clothing change over is a big job in this house. Thankfully, Rob already pulled all the fall clothing out of the attics, but I haven’t even begun to sort through it all. As I quickly sorted through the boxes, successfully finding each person an outfit and shoes I am reminded how wonderful it is to have cousin/friend hand-me downs and a Grandma who often shops ahead.
We somehow manage to get out of the house early and I have time to stop at Starbucks for a Salted Caramel Mocha. Grateful again- this time for a toddler happy in the car (a rare happening) and the treat of a Starbucks gift card in my wallet.
At church I could be frustrated that Peyton and Emily don’t do well in nursery, but instead I get to watch them sing, clap and dance as they worship with me. Later, I am grateful for a comfortable place where I can still watch the sermon with my little ones when their noises are too much to stay in the sanctuary.
To top it all off, after church I managed to lock my keys in the car when we stopped at Target. I didn’t realize my mistake until I tried to load five children and our shopping bags into the van. Grateful for a cell phone, I call Rob for a rescue. And as little children can often do, they turn lemons into lemonade, and aren’t frustrated or upset at all. It is truly a great adventure in their eyes to make a long trek across the parking lot to look at the animals in PetSmart while waiting on Daddy’s rescue!
What a day! I am falling into bed praising God for it.