6 {Costumes} on Saturday
Halloween costumes are a huge deal for my children. We often have many fun opportunities to wear costumes to events all October long, not to mention Halloween night! By the time September hits, the children are already planning costumes.
This year, I let them know well in advance that Halloween would be a ‘no spend’ holiday for us. Costumes must come from the (huge) dress up box, or be created with items we already had in the house. AND I also mentioned that I didn’t have time to sew costumes this year either.
I knew the younger 3 would have no problem finding many choices, but the older children might require some creativity. I was especially worried about Michael. He dresses up constantly- but his costumes aren’t things I’d like to see him wear out of the house. Many have holes in multiple places, and most are too small. I hoped he would choose a mask or create something with household items!
For weeks, I’d hear them planning crazy, elaborate costumes. I’d cringe, wondering how in the world they’d create such a thing!
Ready to see the really cool way our costumes panned out… without any crafting at all?

When my Grandma cleaned out an old chest recently, she came across this amazing costume she sewed for her daughter (my aunt) for a play. So, Miriam got to wear a 50-year-old Colonial Williamsburg costume, sewn by her great-grandma for her great-aunt. Pretty cool right? And the costume is so beautiful, everyone she passed commented about it!
At my Mom’s house, the children searched though a box of costumes, including several from my childhood. They found the pioneer dress my Grandma made me at around 10 years old. It fits Rebekah beautifully! I did end up surprising her with her own store-bought bonnet, because she so sweetly let her little sister wear the only one we already had. Notice her trusty Crocs.

My worries were over when I received a sponsored post for Avengers costumes! Michael chose The Hulk.
I am really glad I didn’t spend my own money on his costume though. My kids just love dress-up, and they love variety. So he actually wore this costume only on Halloween. For the other 2 costumed events he dug out old, embarrassingly small costumes from the dress up bin instead.

We also found my sister’s Pioneer dress, made by my Grandmother. Peyton could not wait to be ‘an olden day girl’, specifically Carrie from Little House on the Prairie. Again with the Crocs. Both girls have nice boots by the way… but unless I deem it too cold for Crocs, the likelihood is that Crocs are the shoe they choose.

I wasn’t worried at all about Emily’s costume. She had a million choices that fit well, and I usually find at this age the Halloween costume changes daily, if not hourly.
One morning, long before Halloween, she declared that she would be Annie from Little Einstein’s. This was surprising considering all the princess and fancy dress-up clothes she wears daily, and all the characters she loves more. What made her decide Annie I have no idea. But wouldn’t you know, when I pulled out the saved winter clothes in Emily’s size, there was the Annie jumper I made for Rebekah right on top.
What are the chances of her choosing that character- and the costume I made years ago being the exact size she just grew into?? AMAZING!
Jonathan of course has no idea what all the fuss is about. His costume of choice around here is a tutu for dancing with his sisters. But, I figured that might not be the best choice- we get enough comments about our big family, I didn’t want to invite more!
So, we stuffed him into a hand-me-down Ninja Turtle shell and called it good.
He did quickly realize that running to a door meant candy in his bag!
Group Shots
Kids will certainly indulge Momma with photo ops when they know candy is coming soon!
All of their costumes looked great. We too have a dress up box that has accumulated some cool things over the years.
I love the old fashioned dresses the girls have on. My son went as the hulk, too 🙂
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays and it’s mostly because we get to dress up as whatever we want to be! My kiddos usually pick a costume and stick to it, believe it or not! lol They already know what they want to dress up as for next year!
You have a beautiful family. I love the girl’s outfit so cute.
Your kiddos are adorable! I love the old style costumes they remind me of little house on the prairie!
These are all such cute costumes! I’m drawn towards the Hulk one since my home is full of boys but they all look fabulous and I think they are great for dressing up any time.
What a beautiful family you have. Love the photos and costumes.
You got some fabulous photos of your littles in costume! I need to get mine back in their costumes for a photo shoot. I only got good pics of 2 out 6!
Love these photos! I’m a big believer that the best costumes are ones you put together yourself. Those dresses and bonnets are awesome!
These Costumes are beautiful. The women in your family sews really well. This no sew , no spend was a great idea
I remember seeing your post on Instagram! These all turned out fantastic! I absolutely love the bonnets, adorable! I think it’s incredible that the Colonial Williamsburg costume is 50 years old!
Great costume choices! I love the “olden day girls”…mainly because I love Little House on the Prairie
I thought the two Colonial Williamsburg girls were Laura and Mary Ingalls. 🙂 They came up with some great costumes.
Awww…they all look so adorable. I had so much fun dressing up for Halloween and had a pioneer dress when I was younger too! I actually won 1st place at a costume contest.
I love the different variations you came up with – I love Halloween and costumes are so much fun!
Eveyrone looks great. I love the colonial look too, I’d like to dress up in a period costume one year too. 🙂
Love the pioneer type costumes. They remind me of Little House on the Prairie – so cute!
I’m loving the costumes!
Can’t imagine what it would have been like to actually have worn some on those dresses back 100+ years ago. How the heck did they handle -40 and snow? Layers? lots and lots of layers? Looks like you guys had a hoot!
I know right! They sure are cute, but I can’t imagine wearing them before having performance fabric long underwear to keep you warm and dry underneath!!
Everyone looks great and happy with their individual costume choices. I think Miriam has my heart! I love her costume!