
{Almost} Wordless Wednesday – Sunset Edition

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When evening approaches and the busyness slows down it’s easy for my thoughts to run away to worry.

One particular day this week was especially tough- so much on my mind, and nothing I could do to help the situation. The mindless task of getting dinner on the table left too much room for runaway thoughts.
Then the sky turned to this…

Wordless Wednesday

Sometimes God sends a reminder I can’t miss. He’s got this. He’s bigger than my problems and my worry.

One day at the time, one foot in front of the other. Deep breath. Don’t waste the life He is blessing me with dwelling in darkness.


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  1. Nature is truly a blessing and can provide so much comfort in a time or need. Letting go and Letting God handle life makes a world of difference.

  2. I, like you, try to see God in every turn. I even thanked him this morning for the trials he is putting my daughter through in her job hunt. I can see how he is refining her and making her more ready for the job market.

  3. I saw doves this morning. I never see them. Then I saw doves painted on a mailbox. Then I immediately saw a Mother Mary statue. And it was a steady rain, and I was out walking in it, but I instantly thanked God for the beautiful day.

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