Still here!
Sorry I disappeared (again!) We’ve been busy doing school and having fun. I’m working on the coordinating clothes for the girls’ doll outfits and reading library books. While I love the ability to place books on hold at the library I dislike the new release 2 week time limit and having several holds become available at the same time. I’ve been reading, reading, reading after putting the kids to bed each night.
January and February are the months that often bring school burnout. However this time of year spurs me on. It’s the time of year that we tend to pack in the most schoolwork possible each day. I can feel the Spring coming and I start pushing to get farther ahead. My favorite time of the school year is coming! Soon the weather will be pretty, all our favorite places will remain uncrowded and we will have carefree days available to spend time at the park with our friends, riding bikes, and visiting museums. Several of our subjects are meant to be completed only three days a week, but during our ‘slow’ times of the year we do 4 or even 5 days of work – the reward is finishing those subjects by early April. For the last month of school until early May we have only the 3 Rs to worry about each day.
The kids have fallen into a wonderful rhythm while schooling and our mornings go smoothly. The biggest blessing this month is Emily learning to take part in pretend play. Once Peyton finishes her workbooks she and Emily play beautifully together in the playroom; dressing up, cooking in the kitchen, or playing with dolls. The only downside is the completely trashed playroom they leave in their wake. Peyton’s current favorite is dressing up to match her Lalaloopsy.
Though we’ve packed in extra schoolwork we’ve also had several adventures this month. We spent a day at the Children’s Museum with friends. The weather still seems confused this winter and has flip-flopped from cold and wet to beautiful and warm. We’ve taken full advantage of every warm day given to us- playing for hours at the park with friends or riding bicycles. On yucky days the children sometimes play Wii- though for Peyton it often doesn’t include the physical activity I would like.
We’ve also discovered Roller Skating. A local rink has an affordable homeschool skate day each month. I was worried about going to the skate day, but there was no need. We have so many friends also skating that there are plenty of extra eyes and help when needed- plus friends for the kids to skate with. Emily cooperates by napping on my back for half of the afternoon while the other half she runs around the carpeted area surrounding the rink. I think she believes she is roller skating just like the big kids. This week I ordered her a pair of toddler skates. She wore them for hours and tried to keep them on even to go to sleep. I can’t wait to see her fun at the next skate day!