Take your Health to The Next Level
This post was sponsored by Nature Made® as a part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central.
Fall is easily the busiest season of the year for Moms. Between school, homework, after school activities, holiday prep, and family gatherings the calendar is packed full, and the to do list is long. Unfortunately, fall often also means illness and sickness during a time of the year that Mom doesn’t have time to slow down.
This time of the year, it’s important for Moms to remember to take care of herself too, so she doesn’t get run down and sick. One easy way to be sure to take your health to the next level and be the best you possible, is to choose Nature Made® supplements that support your needs and health goals. Nature Made® is the #1 Pharmacist Recommended brand for many key dietary supplement categories.*
Simply head to Walmart to choose the best Nature Made® supplements for you. Since Walmart has every day low prices on Nature Made® supplements, there is no need to wait for a sale, and you can stock up and save at any time. To learn more about Nature Made® at Walmart visit here. While you are there be sure to enter the sweepstakes for a chance to win one of 60, $50 Walmart gift cards. (No purchase necessary)Before visiting Walmart, I made a list of my health goals and needs for this busy fall season. Then at Walmart, I chose Nature Made® supplements that will support my goals and wellness. With all the choices available, I could have been overwhelmed picking supplements, however determining my needs and goals ahead of time, made choosing easier.
Nature Made® has a variety of vitamins, minerals, and supplements (VMS) to help support nutritional gaps with your health goals in mind ranging from Digestive Support, Heart Health & Function, Energy Metabolism, Women’s Health and much more!†
For my health goals I chose Vitamin D3, knowing that cooler weather coming will mean less sunshine and Vitamin D in my days. I also chose Super B-Complex, which helps support cellular energy production. I know I need all the extra energy I can get in the busy fall season. My last choice to add to my fall supplement regimen was Fish Oil which so many of my friends recommend.
Nature Made® Advanced Dual Action Probiotic, found at Walmart Supercenters, has been clinically studied and provides dual support to both your small and large intestine for comprehensive coverage to help support digestive balance and healthy gut flora.†
Nature Made® vitamins and supplements: An easy, convenient way to help your body get the nutritional support it needs every day, whether it be to support bone health, immune health or energy metabolism (helping convert food into energy).†
*Based on the 2016 U.S. News & World Report – Pharmacy Times Survey.
†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease.