Unoffendable {Review & Giveaway}
The term “righteous anger” implies that Christians should get angry about certain sins. But, what if that isn’t true?
What if Christians should be unoffendable? Brant Hansen throws out this idea, which may seem radical to many Christians, in his book, Unoffendable. He writes that “we should be the most refreshingly unoffendable people on a planet that seems to spin on an axis of offense.” We have no right to anger, even so-called righteous anger.
I venture to say that every Christian should read this book. Get ready, because I can almost guarantee that if you are human this book is going to step on your toes.
I happened to begin reading this book as my children watched the new Cinderella movie for the first time. I was immediately struck by the similarity in moral! Cinderella lives her life, as she promised her dying mother, striving to “be kind and have courage.” We see how even in horrible circumstances this life motto affects both Cinderella and those around her. It’s easy to see from the parallel of the stepmother and Cinderella that anger and offense create a dark and dismal life while being unoffendable brings reward.
I really enjoyed Brant Hansen’s writing throughout Unoffendable. While the concepts are often very personally challenging, his writing style manages to make the book a light refreshing read even as the material convicts. His chapters are refreshingly short and to the point. I found myself laughing at his words and engaged by his conversational tone throughout the book. Rather than feeling scolded, the book feels like a discussion, during which the writer reminds us often that he has and still does struggle to remain unoffendable. It feels like reading encouragement from a peer rather than a sermon.
And the subject matter? Equally challenging, refreshing, and radical!
Shouldn’t Christians be angry about all the horrible stuff happening in the world? The point Hansen makes is that it doesn’t take anger to do something. Christians should act and work for change without anger and offense. How do you reach a largely unbelieving world if you are too busy telling people how wrong they are? And the biggest point- are we not all sinners? Grace, is just that, GRACE. It’s unmerited, its free, and its for everyone.
Trust me, pick up this book- or enter below to win one of two copies I’m giving away! Get ready to be challenged and learn how letting go of anger brings peace and rest.
2 lucky winners will each receive a copy of Unoffendable!
This sweepstakes is open to US residents over the age of 18.
It starts right now and ends October 20th, 2015 at 11:59 pm EST.
Thanks to Family Christian for providing Unoffendable for review and two copies for giveaway!
This sounds like such a great book. Thank you for your review! I was just listening to a sermon n on this exact topic!
I would love this!
Before reading this book, I will say that I think there are some instances where righteous anger is acceptable, maybe even expected.
Jesus had righteous anger come over Him when He turned the tables at the temple. If He thinks it is okay to be angry (as long as you do it right) then so do I.