Bible Curriculum for Preschool and Early Elementary Girls
Traditionally, I read various favorite Bible story picture books to my children for their preschool and early elementary Bible homeschool curriculum. While I love the books we always read, my preschool and 1st grade daughters have heard them each several times by this point- since they usually sit in on Bible time as I read. Thanks to Family Christian, Emily and Peyton have brand new books for their Bible curriculum this year. I am so excited I can barely wait to start!
This year my preschool and 1st grade daughters and I are going to learn all about the women of the Bible! Each week we will read one chapter from each from Brave Girls Bible Stories and For Such a Time as This: Stories of Women from the Bible.
In Brave Girls Bible Stories, 5 modern girls lead your daughter through 32 stories of Biblical women. Each chapter tells the story Bible story of a Biblical woman, and ends with a modern girl explaining the lesson learned from the Biblical woman. The stories are often begin with the modern girl sharing something that happened to remind her of a Biblical woman. For example the story of the widow of Zarephath begins with Hope telling the story of her family adopting siblings, and how it relates to the way God provided flour and oil for the widow. Hope wraps the story up by reminding girls that God cares for orphans and meets their needs (as well as ours!)
For Such a Time as This has 40 stories of Biblical woman. After the story there are 3 sections- He, Me, and She. He focuses on God and discusses what we learned about God from the Bible Story. Me discusses character traits the girls can implement into their lives from the story’s lesson. She is a prayer for Mom’s to pray for their daughters. For example, after the story of Hannah the He section reminds girls that God is the only true source of peace, Me discusses the importance of patience, and She leads Mom in a prayer for peace for her daughter.
I’m really looking forward to learning all about the women of the Bible this year with my preschooler and 1st grade daughters!
I’ve been reading “For Such a Time As This” with Julia at bedtime and we love it!
Yay, I’m so glad to hear it! Bek already took our book and started reading- she couldn’t put it down. But I can’t wait to read it together!