Camping Adventure
Does 2 Mommas and 9 kids camping sound like an adventure or a nightmare?
I’m sure it could probably go either way, but in our case, it was a wonderful adventure.
Just before spring break a friend asked if the kids and I would like to join her and her 3 kids on a camping trip, since her husband’s work schedule meant he would miss the first 3 days of their planned vacation.
This was my first time camping with my kids, and I’m so glad I got to do it with a great friend (who thankfully is a pro at camping!)
The children spent their days exploring the woods and gathering sticks for the fire. We cooked dinner over the flames every night and ate our weight in s’mores.
Each night the kids would go to bed with a huge pile of sticks at the campsite… each morning they’d wake up to every last stick burned. They’d say, “The Mommas burned all our sticks last night!”
Selfishly, I have to say the best part of camping was putting the kids to bed each night, sitting by the fire with my friend while enjoying the quiet, the warm fire, and great company!
With 9 (mostly) small children, we stuck to hiking and exploring near the campground. I’d have to say, that might be the best kind of hiking… carrying a beer instead of a pack full of food and gear for 7 people. With the added bonus of still wearing the kids out for bedtime.3 days later none of us wanted to leave. I think we’ve found our new kind of vacation!
Just before leaving my friend snapped this photo of us. I love the dirty faces and hands, the windblown hair, and the joy on our faces. So much fun!
Looks like you had a great time! There really isn’t anything like fresh air to wear the kids out!
Glad you had a great experience. We don’t camp, so my kids won’t go until they are adults.
I love camping! We haven’t had a chance to take the kids camping yet but we took the little ones a long time ago and it was so so much fun!!
I think this sounds like a great adventure! I have no doubt that your kids will remember this outing!
What a great time you had. I admit i have never gone camping but it always looks like fun.
I am dying to get up to the mountains and get some camping done. Looks like you all did great
Glad to hear it was a wonderful adventure. You’re right, it could have gone either way! Looks like fun.
I sure admire that you went on an outing like that. My idea of roughing it is a 3 star hotel LOL – these images are adorable.
Such a beautiful bunch of kids! Yes, it could go either way pain or pleasure! I’m glad you guys had fun!
It looks like a beautiful time! Love roasting marshmallows!
We’re planning on going camping! We haven’t decided where yet! Loved your pictures!
Can you believe that I’ve never been camping. I live in a state where we’re notorious for camping but I haven’t done it yet. Looks like you guys had an amazing time.