
Five on Friday – July Edition

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July is nearly gone, and I haven’t shared any of our fun here!

4th of July Fun

When Grandparents live on the lake, 4th of July means a boat parade. These boats throw bags of candy, and dog treats!Five on Friday - July Edition

Usually my toddlers are scared of sparklers, but Jon was fearless. In fact, he kept trying to set the trees and grass on fire!
Five on Friday - July Edition

Summer on the Farm

Most days I still feel more city girl than country girl.

And then I find myself shucking corn fresh from an aunt’s garden right beside the pig pen, so I can throw Clover the worms and the shucks. Five on Friday - July Edition

Or end up chasing a calf back into the field when I ought to be getting dinner on the table. Five on Friday - July Edition

And taking walks that look like this:Five on Friday - July Edition

City life is definitely long gone!

Even here at home on the farm, summer has been so full and fun- from simply enjoying the beauty that surrounds us, to playing board games on hot afternoons, and playing with all the animals on the farm.

And many, many nights around our fire pit roasting hot dogs, reading aloud, eating s’mores, and being together.Five on Friday - July Edition

Charlottesville Vacation

Five on Friday - July Edition
A van full photo before each trip is now tradition.

Last summer our trip to Charlottesville was the brightest spot in a hard summer. This summer we got to go back, and we enjoyed the trip with friends this time!Five on Friday - July Edition Horses and the barnyard.Five on Friday - July Edition

The County Fair

Peyton wanted to bring a goat home, and Rebekah entered the pie eating contest.
Peyton wanted to bring a goat home, and Rebekah entered the pie eating contest.

Chic-fil-a Dress Like a Cow Day

Vacation was so exhausting that Jon nearly slept through the entire 2 hours we spent at Chic-fil-a!
Vacation was so exhausting that Jon slept through most of the 2 hours we spent at Chic-fil-a!

Swimming at the pool.

I'm the snack Mom. Water and a bag full of snacks will keep my crew happy all.day.long
I’m the snack Mom. Water and a bag full of snacks will keep my crew happy all.day.long

Mini Golf

Last summer Jon ran around stealing balls, and Emily wasn’t much better. This year Emily was old enough to follow the rules- and play well! And Jon actually let us play, even though he placed his ball right at the hole to putt it in, declaring “I won!” each time.

We also squeezed in a trip to the Virginia Discovery Museum on the last day, where tradition requires a photo in the fire station.Five on Friday - July Edition

Lake Fun

July weekends were full of fun at my parent’s lake house. Five on Friday - July Edition


I haven’t shared much of our fun on the blog this summer. I’ve barely picked up my real camera, living in the moment, snapping a few memories on my phone and sharing little bits on Instagram as we go along. If you want to see more daily life, come follow Big Family Blessings on Instagram.

And don’t forget to enter this week’s giveaway on Instagram! You can win a Baketivity box for your child and one for a friend too! The contest ends Saturday night, so hurry over!

You can also enter to win an All Thing Bright and Beautiful Picture book here on the blog.

Happy Friday!


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