Tween Scene
Here it is several days past birthday again, and I’m finally getting a post up.
Birthdays… they are still hard in so many ways for all of us. Especially the older ones who vaguely remember ‘before’. Celebrations drive home the missing pieces and changed traditions that are easy to forget in the day-to-day.
Today, we will throw our first birthday party, since all this change. We’ve kept it low-key, and this party will still be low-key… but we are easing back into celebrations. I think it’s been long enough for most of the kids to forget the ‘old’ parties and traditions there. Her 8th birthday was the last from ‘before,’ both just a moment ago, and also a lifetime ago. Time to move on, that’s for sure. New memories, new celebrations, new life.
So, this week Rebekah, my little pig-tailed, thumb-sucking toddler turned into a tween.
Eleven years old- Eleven! Childhood is rapidly fading into the background and suddenly she is a young woman.
This girl loves big. She loves with a huge, all out devotion. She gives big and is more likely to spend her money on another than herself. She still loses on purpose, gives her opponent the favored color or starting position, and cheers like she won when another succeeds.
She has a quiet determination. Preferring to figure stuff out on her own, even if it takes longer that way.
It’s been such a hard few years for her, and I’m so happy to see her on the upswing finally.
It’s an amazing privilege to walk beside her as she moves into the next stage of her life. From child to young woman. It’s going to be awesome!
Happy Birthday Rebekah! Rebekah seems like she is growing into a wonderful young lady, that means you are doing a wonderful job as her momma. Have fun with the journey!
It is not only wonderful but also hard to see our children get older. I am sorry that your family has been through so much, but glad things seem to be going better. It sounds like your daughter had a wonderful birthday.
I have a tween girl myself. I spent some time with her on the weekend, just the two of us. These moments are so special. I am a little afraid of the next part of the journey but I know she will blossom and be a unique and beautiful young woman.
She is beautiful! I am so not ready for that stage. My little one is 4 and I don’t want him to get any older!
Happy birthday to your beautiful young lady! 🙂 These pictures are so wonderful. She is resilient and I’m sure you are learning so much from her during this tough transitional time. <3
What sweet comments about your lovely daughter! She does seem to have an amazing personality!
Happy Birthday! Stay strong! She looks beautiful and happy. These are the new memories to remember.