Healthy Eating Starts with MyPlate
Do you have trouble with a picky eater?
I have several! It’s hard to explain to young children about eating healthy food, and often even harder to teach that a balanced diet is necessary. I have one child happiest eating nothing but rice and grains, and several others happy to live on nothing but fruit.
Fresh Baby makes this adorable MyPlate to help parents and children eat healthy and balanced meals. Isn’t it cute?
I love that it’s not only sectioned, but the sections are sized proportionately for balanced amounts of each food group. The meat and protein sections are smaller than veggies and grain sections.
The plate is brightly colored, so my kids reach for it every meal. I appreciate the illustrations and words for each food group, allowing non-readers more independence.
Since I feed a crowd each meal, this plate allows my kids independence in choosing and plating their own lunches. I place several choices for each food group together on the counter and the children can fill their own plates.
MyPlate helps my children understand that choosing only the banana, apple, and strawberries isn’t an option, while also helping with portion control. They can fill the fruit section with only what fits- whether it’s all strawberries or a mix of several fruit options.
I point to the (often empty) veggie section on my 4-year-olds plate and say, “You need to put some food in this section. Here are your veggie options.” It makes the plate the bad guy- not Mommy! And, it works quite well! She still may not actually eat her carrots, but they are on the plate, and she will often try a bite rather than throwing a fit about the carrots being on her plate at all.
We’re thrilled your children love the plates! Thanks for sharing this review and our products with your friends, family and online community.
Absolutely! We are loving ALL the Fresh Baby products around here!
What a great idea! Love it!
We have a rule in our house that children eat the same meal everyone else does. Mommy isn’t a short-order cook! So while they might refuse their veggies at lunch, by dinner they’re hungry enough to eat anything!