10 New Year’s Resolutions for your Homeschool
One thing that always does homeschoolers some good is to set goals. This time of year everyone is setting goals for the new year and it is the perfect time to do the same for your homeschool.
While many people let New Year’s resolutions fade into the background as if they never made them, homeschool resolutions can be the kind of things that push you to make homeschooling a bit more fun and effective without making it hard to obtain.
These 10 Homeschool Resolutions will recharge your homeschool journey.
Make more time for fun. Homeschooling can quickly fall into a routine that stays the same day after day. Make a point this year to do some fun stuff here and there to help keep homeschooling fun and exciting.
Read every day. When life gets in the way it is easy to push reading to the side. Make reading an essential part of your homeschool and family life. Don’t just have your kids read or read aloud to them. Let your kids see you reading and for the enjoyment of it.
Do more art with your homeschool child to help them foster a lifetime of creativity. Art can be anything from finger paints to fine arts with music. How you enjoy the freedom of art is incredibly personal so leave options open to your children.
Make a point to go outside more. It is so easy to stay inside and forget about the world outside while you are busy trying to keep up with homeschooling, homemaking and all of the other important things in your life.
Go on more field trips to help bring the concepts you are learning to life and make the lessons really stick as your child makes memories to connect lessons too.
Do more experiments. Kids learn so much about science when they do experiments. Try new things, blow stuff up in the driveway and know that you are making memories and helping your child understand big concepts in a way that sticks.
Get hands-on with everything. You don’t have to spend all day with a stack of textbooks to really learn. Take everyday lessons and get hands-on with anything available. Manipulatives for math can be everything from manufactured counters to rocks form your backyard. This year make it your mission to get more hands on.
Take more time for your kids to just be kids. Sometimes the best thing you can do for your homeschool is to put the books away and just let kids be kids.. It is amazing what kids can learn and do when they have to entertain themselves. Turn off the screens and leave them to figure out what to do.
Add more sensory play to your day. If you have kids that fidget or struggle to pay attention you will be amazed how much a little sensory play each day can help. Everything from full-fledged sensory bins to simple homemade slime can do the trick.
Try something new with your child. Sometimes the best thing we can do for ourselves and our kids is to step out of our comfort zone and try something new. Start a habit of trying new things with your kids to help them gain a love of trying the new and exciting things the world has to offer.
Which of these New Year’s Resolutions will you adopt for your homeschool this year.