Panther’s MVP
Rob surprised us by allowing Michael to cut his hair in a fohawk. The agreement is that it is temporary, only for football season or a few games.
This morning, before the game, I painted Michael’s fohawk blue with temporary dye. And Rob reminded him of their agreement that only good players wear fohawks…keeping the haircut required a touchdown or getting a bunch of flags today.
Well, Michael kept up his end of the bargain- getting a touchdown on the first drive of the game! (Which also earned him MVP) He dodged several opposing players and ended up in the end zone yards ahead of any opponents!
And, we thought this season would be the end of his football ‘career’- since the next level is tackle and we figured he was too tiny to excel. Maybe not!
This boy gave 110% at all times during the game.
He paced the sidelines during his turn to sit out for a few minutes, eager to get back in there.
He plays any position with a great attitude. If he is blocking, good luck getting past him!
Funny how sports really highlight how he is growing up so quickly! Maybe it is because I am not his teacher here, and I just get to observe.
It is so fun to watch him develop this fierce and determined, yet loving personality. To see him work hard to improve and his excitement when he knows he did well. And his determination to get back in there and try again when he messes up. My favorite might be the impatient way he listens to critique; not because he has a bad attitude, but because he wants to hurry the chance to give it another shot. He is a pretty amazing little boy– so glad he’s mine!