School’s Out for Summer!
Who-hoo! Our homeschooling year has come to a close and we are beginning our longest break of the year which will likely last until mid-July.
This year our school included 2nd grade, 1st grade and pre-k with a toddler and baby along for the ride. I can honestly say that this was our very best homeschooling year so far. I finally seem to have found curriculum for most subjects that we are all happy with and eager to continue. It is so nice to end a year with only a few new things to search for! Another post later this week will list the specifics of our curriculum for the past year; for now I’ll close with the highlights of our year. Then I’m off to celebrate summer with my crew!
The highlights of our year:
#1 Rebekah!
Rebekah and I began the year struggling to get past her difficulty and frustration related to reading. By the end of the year (after several strategy and curriculum changes) she is reading close to grade level and loving school!
#2 History with Tapestry of Grace
This year we learned about the Middle Ages, Renaissance, and early Colonial times. Going to the Renaissance Fair and Colonial Williamsburg brought the time period alive for all of us. We also enjoyed crafts such as making candles.
#3 Science
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