3 Wise Men Craft

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The 3 Wise Men Craft Directions


  1. Colored craft papers
  2. Gold craft paper
  3. Craft glue
  4. Markers
  5. Pencil
  6. Scissors
  7. Template


Print out the template and cut out all of the template pieces. 

Choose colored craft papers for the 3 wise men and select golden craft paper for the gift boxes and the crown. 

Trace the template patterns on the chosen craft papers and cut them out nicely. 

Cut slits along the yellow marked line on the hair (beard) patterns.   

Slide the top end of the head under the slit and then apply glue to attach the head and beard together. Prepare all 3 Wise Men in the same way. 

Use markers to draw the mustaches on each head. Use a black marker to draw the eyes, nose and mouth of each Wise Man. 

Attach the thin strips of the wise men’s clothes to the Wise Men’s bodies. Gluing one strip on each side of the body.

Glue the head pieces on the top of the Wise Men’s bodies. 

Glue one gift box in the middle of each Wise Man, as if they are holding the gift boxes. 

Glue a crown on top of each Wise Man’s head.

Get this adorable craft and the rest of the Nativity Scene DIY templates and instructions!

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