Thanksgiving Pilgrim Gnome Craft
What could be cuter at Thanksgiving than an adorable Pilgrim gnome?

Make this adorable little Pilgrim Gnome to gift or decorate with this Thanksgiving. Wouldn’t these fun Thanksgiving gnomes be adorable to use as place setting decorations for Thanksgiving dinner?
How to make a Thanksgiving Pilgrim Gnome
List of Supplies:
- Felt fabrics
- Matching threads
- Needle
- Pencil
- A pair of scissors
- Cotton batting
- Template
Step 1:
Download and print out the Pilgrim Boy Gnome template page. Cut out the patterns neatly.
Select colored felt fabrics for the plush and trace the patterns on the selected felts.
Cut out the traced patterns nicely.
Take the belt and the buckle cutouts of the hat pattern. Cut slits along any 2 sides of the buckle cutout. Insert the belt through the slits to make the belt.
Place the belt on the hat cutout and sew them together.
Take the base cutout and place the clothing cutout on the bottom part of the base. Place the nose cutout on the top side of the beard cutout.
Place the beard pattern on the top edge of the clothing cutout.
Place the hat on the top part of the base, covering the top edge of the beard and the clothing cutouts.
Carefully remove the patterns as they are placed.
Use matching thread to stitch the bottom edge of the hat to the top edge of the beard and clothing cutouts to join all 3 pieces together.
Place the shoe cutouts on the bottom edge of the base cutout.
Place the fronton the gnome onto the base cutout, keeping the shoe cutouts between the front and base layers.
Stitch around the edges to join the base and the front of the gnome. Keep a small opening to stuff the gnome. Stuff the gnome, then sew the opening closed.
Tie a few tight knots and cut off extra thread to finish securing the pilgrim gnome.
Isn’t the pilgrim gnome adorable? Now, you’ve got to make the little girl pilgrim gnome too!