High School Soccer Adventure
Sometimes adventuring with 6 children looks a whole lot like a circus side show.
The kids and I spent an evening at the local high school, watching my cousin play soccer. When I say ‘watching‘ it really means that I saw about 5 minutes each of two 40-minute halves.
I packed my camera and my Dad’s awesome mega zoom hoping to take photos of the game. I don’t know what I was thinking– 6 kids at a ball field, and a camera that takes the equivalent attention of another child. I snapped off only 20 frames the entire evening. Several of them were pretty decent considering that the photographer sat high in the bleachers with a 5-year-old hanging on one arm, and a less than happy baby laying across her lap, while the bleacher shook as 2-year-old Emily played balance beam.
Jonathan was tired and fussy. I think many of the foods I ate at events Easter weekend contained dairy and it has taken most of the week to work out of his system.
Emily fell at least three times as she used the bleachers as a jungle gym and balance beam. Peyton dropped baby toys, cups, and her stuffed animal between bleacher risers to the ground far below. Multiple children needed snacks, drinks, and bathroom trips- all at different intervals. Slightly chaotic!
It was completely worth the effort though. Miriam got to be the ball girl, running up and down the sidelines retrieving soccer balls kicked out of bounds. The big three loved watching the action on the field and can’t wait for their chance to play soccer. Rebekah, always my cheerleader, ran up and down the sidelines shouting “turn it around!” and “go, go, go!!!” Visiting the concession stand for hot dogs and Gatorade was exciting. They adored the attention of older cousins and their friends in the stands.
I plan to take them to see another game before the season ends- except this time when Grandma can attend. Then I can run up and down the sidelines with the big kids and my camera while the little ones give Grandma a heart-attack climbing the bleachers and disappearing underneath them.