DIY Nativity Scene Craft
Kids will love creating this adorable DIY Nativity Scene Craft this Christmas!

Help kids focus the true meaning of Christmas by making this Nativity Craft and then using it to talk about the real story of Christmas.
Looking for an adorable Nativity Craft this Christmas? This one is sure to please all the kids in your life!
This Nativity Christmas craft includes Mary, Joseph, Baby Jesus, a star, 3 wise men, a shepherd and a sheep.
What do I need for this Nativity craft project?
-colored craft papers (construction paper or card stock)
-gold craft paper (for the wise men’s gifts and crowns)
-white embossed craft paper (for the sheep)
–Nativity Scene PDF instructions and templates
How do I make this Nativity Christmas craft?
Get your Nativity Scene craft PDF which includes 4 pages of detailed crafting instructions and 4 pages of printable templates.
Print out the instructions and patterns from your Nativity PDF.
How should I use these Nativity Figures after crafting them?
-Glue the nativity figures on a popsicle craft stick to make your own nativity puppets. Kids can act out the nativity story over and over again. Read them their favorite Christmas story picture book and have them act out the story as you read.
-Stick a magnet to the back of each figure to create an interactive refrigerator nativity scene.
-Glue to them to a large sheet of construction paper or poster board for cute kid-created nativity decor.
-You can also laminate the nativity figures to make them more durable, so your kids can enjoy them at Christmas year after year. Once the figures are laminated add a popsicle stick or magnet to the back of each one and make this nativity scene even more interactive.